Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dan the Interpreter is awesome

Dan is usually best ignored, but I'll make an exception to thank him for sending more people to my blogs by referring them to the "important" blog of his alter-ego, Peter Pan. Dan's well-earned reputation for ad hominem attacks is exemplified by this blog. It combines the worst of FARMS with the irrationality of the Interpreter

Dan has always been upset at the idea of Latter-day Saints making informed decisions--especially when informed people disagree with Dan. It's a strange characteristic of the credentialed class that they insist everyone agree with them. To be sure, they have their phony "academic disagreements" about such minutiae as which river in Mesoamerica is the Sidon, but they enforce their M2C dogma like old Soviet commissars. Except most of us don't care about the M2C theories any more. 

Like other M2C scholars, Dan expects "ordinary" Latter-day Saints to accept the official pronouncements of the "Interpreters," meaning the credentialed class that presumes to tell everyone what to think. 

Hence, the name of his awesome "journal" that we all enjoy.

In case you missed it, here's Dan's post:

Of course, I have no problem with what Elder Gong said. Once we accept the dilution theory at the core of M2C, Lehi's descendants can be found everywhere in the world. 

Unlike the credentialed class, I'm happy that people can believe whatever they want. Also unlike the credentialed class, I encourage people to make informed decisions.

Here's the screen capture of his gem in case he tries to erase history, the way our revisionist historians and M2C scholars do.

BTW, it's no surprise that Dan thinks the scriptures and teachings of the prophets are bizarre.


  1. Oh please.

    You've just proved that you don't even read any information at Neville-Neville Land by your own admission (if so, you would know that Peter Pan has repeatedly stated he is NOT Daniel Peterson). In citing the second blog post, Dan Peterson pointed to a blog post calling you out for your conspiracy mongering that states the Church leadership are being fed faulty information and being deceived by some dastardly "M2C" scholars.

    If you have any sense of honesty, you'd get the facts BEFORE making wild, off the walls claims.

    Dan Peterson's only crime is he doesn't agree with you. He also did not inject cancer patients in Mexico with urine to make a few quick bucks, unlike someone you know.

    Seriously, knock it off. Your attempts to play the martyr in academia are just sad by now.

  2. I see that you are continued your tired, time-honoured tradition of mercilessly slandering those with whom you disagree despite their repeated denials of your fallacious claims?

    Pity that you treat those with whom you disagree the same way that you treat the source material you reference: you bastardize it for your own gain. Between your repeated ad hominem attacks, your lies, and your abject failure of scholarship, you have no leg to stand on.

    Stop lying, Neville.

    For someone who does not care about M2C theories anymore, you spend a hell of a lot of time trying (and failing, I might add) to refute them.

    Do what is right here. Issue a retraction of your claims and an apology.

    Or better yet, keep it up.

    You just keep setting fires to your own credibility.

  3. Thank goodness other people read the source material. After studying the issues that Mr. Neville brought up, I fear the credentialed class are false prophets and false priests presenting themselves as and above authority. They have for over twenty years taught false doctrine by continually accusing Joseph Smith of lying or not telling all the truth. The 2HC and Stone in a Hat cartel are killing the LDS Church. The Lord will give the Church and its members what they want, so I am afraid things are only going to get worse.
