Sunday, May 30, 2021

Peer reviewed means everybody thought the same already

In this video, Allan Savory explains what's going on with LDS academia.

People are coming out of the university with a masters degree or a PhD. You take them out into the field, they literally don't believe anything unless it's a peer reviewed paper, that's the only thing they accept. And you say to them... Let's observe, let's think, let's discuss. They don't do it! Only when it is in a peer-reviewed paper or not. That's their view of science.

I think it's pathetic.

Going into universities as bright young people, they come out of it brain dead! Not even knowing what science means. 

They think it means peer-reviewed papers, etc. No! That's academia.

And if a paper is peer-reviewed it means everybody thought the same therefore they approved it.

An unintended consequence is, when new knowledge emerges, new scientific insights, they can never ever be peer-reviewed, so we're blocking all new advances in science that are big advances.

If you look at the breakthroughs in science, almost always they don't come from the center of that profession. They come from the fringe.

The finest candlemakers in the world couldn't even think of electric lights.

They don't come from within. They often come from outside the bricks...

We're going to kill ourselves because of stupidity.

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