Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Dan Peterson turns a new leaf?

A friend sent me this fine-sounding article:


It's wonderful to see Dan call for no more contention after I started my blog nomorecontention.com.

This could be another breakthrough from the Interpreters. 

Imagine how different the conversation would be if, when speaking or writing about fellow Latter-day Saints with whom they disagree, Dan and the Interpreters changed course and chose to "call upon them to meet you both in public and in private" instead of taking potshots and hiding behind the racist Peter Pan pseudonym to engage?

I would be happy if they ever accepted my invitations to meet and work through differences, but so far they've consistently refused. And I've never declined an invitation from them to meet in private or in public.


Part of this article is an excellent sentiment that everyone should endorse. Avoiding contention is the purpose of the nomorecontention.com site.

But what about the "defending our beliefs" part? 

The very terminology'--"defending"--invokes contention. The King James translators thoughtfully used "answer" instead of "defense" because the passage refers to someone "asking for a reason" for the hope that is in us. This calls for an explanation or an answer, not a defensive assumption that an answer is an attack. 

Framing it as a "defense" implies an accusation. While maybe more technically correct to translate it as "defend" from the Greek, the KJV translators suggested an answer is a non-contentious way to respond when people ask about the hope that is in us. Instead of being defensive, simply answer or explain our reasons in a positive, confident and enthusiastic way.

This involves clarity and understanding, not offensive and defensive posturing.

And what beliefs is Dan defending, anyway?

Certainly Dan is entitled to defend his beliefs, which are squarely in the "Some" category.

Believe what Joseph and Oliver claimed




Believe what Joseph and Oliver claimed about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon

Believe some, but not all, of what Joseph and Oliver claimed about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon

Disbelieve what Joseph and Oliver claimed about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon

There's nothing wrong with the "Some" category, but we all need to be crystal clear about what beliefs were are explaining.

Maybe in the future, Dan and the other Interpreters will take his own advice. 

Maybe Dan will come to disavow, discontinue, and discourage the long-standing practice of the Interpreters who continually criticize, mock and belittle fellow Latter-day Saints who disagree with him.

Let's all hope so!

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